Turn your creative passion into profit with membership in ICAP’s Members’ Studio
Quick Details...
- Live Group Q+A monthly
- Live Book Discussion monthly
- Live Goal Planning workshop monthly
- Business or social media trainings and challenges
- Accountability Partner
- Where Women Work Business Quarterly
- Only $27 per month
The International Association of Creative Arts Professionals is your source for everything you need to craft a successful business from your passions.
We’ve been helping creatives do just this since 2009. Isn’t it time you decided to leave the frustrations of not knowing how to grow your business or being stuck because it’s not growing as fast as you want?
The time to take action and build the life and business of your dreams is now!
What would your life be like if you had the right help + support to grow your creative business?
The Members' Studio is closed for enrollment until later in the year. If you would like to be among the first to know when we re-open enrollment, please enter your contact information below.
We value your privacy and would never spam you
Members' Studio Benefits
Social Media and Business Trainings
We offer periodic business or social media trainings or challenges. Past examples include growing your Facebook Page, building your email list, understanding your customer, starting a YouTube channel. Short training videos/webinars will be provided. We may have a friendly competition with each one.
Live Group Q+A
Each month, you’ll have the opportunity to gather with other Members’ Studio peers to ask questions. Morna will facilitate the conversation and answer any business questions you have. If you can’t attend the calls, you can send a question ahead of time. The calls will be recorded and available for three months.
Live Book Club Discussion
Each month, you’ll have the opportunity to gather with other Members’ Studio peers to discuss a book and its implications for your business. The call is done via video conferencing. It will be recorded and available in your Members’ Studio Hub.
Live Goal Planning Workshop
Each month during the first week of the month, you’ll gather for a planning session. You will review what you accomplished and set goals for the current month and beyond. The call is recorded and will be available in your Members’ Studio Hub until the workshop for the next month.
Accountability Partner
You will have the opportunity to connect with an accountability partner each month via our Members’ Studio Facebook Group. People make progress more rapidly if they are held accountable, so don’t miss this.
Quarterly Magazine
You receive a subscription to the quarterly magazine, Where Women Work. This is meant to inspire you in your creative business journey. This benefit is available in the US and Canada only due to shipping costs.
Media Library
Instant access to 100+ previously recorded business interviews.
Partner Discounts
Enjoy discounts on web services from Gloderworks and Intellectual Property legal consults.
Success Stories
I was introduced to Morna through a business consultant I had hired to help me get my fledgling quilting business off the ground. After listening to a series of webinars I knew she was exactly what I needed to jump start my business. So I joined ICAP and signed up for my first CABS. CABS introduced me to a lot of like-minded entrepreneurs who were in various stages of their own quilting businesses. I finally felt like I had a group that both understood my dreams and passion along with a willingness to provide support and advice as I worked through my business model and moved to bring my “hobby-like” business to the next level.
I became a regular attender at ICAP business calls along with the group coaching sessions. I was truly a sponge in those early days soaking up all the knowledge I could and implementing aspects that made sense in my business. With the encouragement of the group, I made the decision to quit my full-time corporate job in mid-2015 to take on my business full-time. At that point, I hired Morna as a coach to help me ensure a strong start for that business. I have never regretted that decision.
Morna always seems to have a piece of advice that gets to the heart of whatever issue I am currently dealing with in my business. She encouraged me to blog, create newsletters and post regularly on Facebook. This helped me to learn that my sweet spot in the industry was in teaching and coaching on the design aspects of quilting. Because I am also a pattern designer, I also can assist in translating designs to published patterns. I have strong technical skills in Electric Quilt and Art and Stitch and am effective at assisting students to learn to love these programs and to become effective users of the software. I now do 80% of my teaching online and am enjoying the freedom this provides me to also enjoy other aspects of my life. I have a newsletter following of over 4,000 subscribers and manage a large public Electric Quilt Facebook group with over 2,000 members. My recent Catch the Waves program to learn Electric Quilt in two weeks has had over 2,000 participants with only 3 opt-outs during daily class.
My business became profitable in Year 2 and I am excited with my current year (Year 3) results and feel like I am beginning to reap the benefit of my investment in the business. I continue to look to ICAP and CABS members are valuable team members and advisors for my business. My investment in both was one of the best business decisions that I made and I look forward to the ongoing association as I continue to grow and develop my business.Kari Schell On Point Quilter
I joined ICAP in 2012. I had been in business as a pattern designer for about 10 years and was looking for a way to grow. I love the independence and flexibility that working for myself allows. But since I am a one woman business I sometimes felt isolated. Joining ICAP and working with Morna has given me access to other creatives who are in the same situation. I have resources and people who understand where I am coming from. The benefits of membership are many. I attended CABS several years ago and it was life changing for me and my business. I was able to refocus on my priorities and move forward. I can't emphasize enough how beneficial the networking opportunities are. Morna is a great coach, I appreciate how approachable she is and especially her ability to sort through things and get to the issue at hand.
Celine Perkins Perkins Dry Goods
Being a member of ICAP has so many benefits! Sometimes, it's tough being a creative business owner; this group of talented entrepreneurs will not let you go it alone! If you need answers to solve a problem, someone's got it. If you need a boost, there is support in social media group. If you have a question about sales, marketing, website design (the list could go on), someone will share their experiences with you.
I have been a member of ICAP since 2012 and I will continue to be one, as it is (as they say) PRICELESS!
Kris Poor Poor House Quilt Designs
To me, quilting is all about community. When you are in “the business”, it is easy to get isolated in your own world, especially when you are a pattern designer who works from home. Working with others in your same field, or with others in a different creative field, and sharing ideas, collaborating and finding people who have your back can help you grow your business. Morna has created a safe place with like minded, creative individuals who are all there to grow their business and to help you grow yours. A place where help is readily available and others are happy and excited when you succeed. A place where people share their knowledge and protect your ideas. A place where you can grow as a person, as a business owner and as a creative professional.
Kate Colleran Kate Colleran Designs, LLC
Frequently Asked Questions
How will this help me?
You’ll find like-minded creatives in the ICAP Members’ Studio. People will be at different stages in their journey, from just starting out to running a $500,000 creative business. Regardless of their stage, they are ready to share their wisdom. We all learn from each other, whether that’s a new tip or a reminder of how we treat our customers. It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey or what you do creatively, we can help you.
Do you host events?
Yes. In the spring of 2018, we’ll host our 7th Creative Arts Business Summit. As a member, you’ll get special rates to attend. It’s a great way to connect with other members.
Do any of the trainings cost extra?
No, everything that you see listed above is in the Members’ Studio Hub. And, you’ll get new resources every month.
Do I need to have a business already?
No, not really. We have members just starting out who are looking for the right steps to get their creative business going and growing. You’ll find wonderful support if you are at this stage.
How much does ICAP Members’ Studio cost?
It’s currently $27 a month to join the Members' Studio. You get two months free by paying annually at $270.
Can I cancel anytime?
We do offer an easy cancellation policy, though we hope you’ll be a member for a long time. You can cancel at any time by giving 30 days notice.
Last Words
When I started the International Association of Creative Arts Professionals in 2009, it was because members asked for more help. They wanted the connections of others to help them in their journey. They didn’t know what they didn’t know, but they knew they needed to learn.
I’ve been where you are. For more than 30 years, I’ve had a creative business. I taught, created art, sold my work, took commissions, and did craft shows. I struggled in the beginning because I didn’t have the support and knowledge that I needed.
It wasn’t until I found the right support, the right tools, the right information that I thrived.
I want that for you. I want you to have a successful creative business and a life you love.
You can and you will. Just watch!

The Members' Studio is closed for enrollment until later in the year. If you would like to be among the first to know when we re-open enrollment, please enter your contact information below.
We value your privacy and would never spam you