The International Association of Creative Arts Professionals Presents

Simple Strategies to Soar in 2018

2018 is coming quickly! New Year! New Goals! Will you still get the same results as this year or would you like to do even better? If you really want to take your business to the next level, you need to do things differently. Join me on this free webinar where I'll share the strategies that my clients and I use to really ramp up our business results.

with Morna McEver Golletz

Morna is the Founder/CEO of the International Association of Creative Arts Professionals and the Creative Arts Business Summit. She is the former editor/publisher of The Professional Quilter and Create Inc. She has a life-long involvement in the arts from her own professional endeavors to supporting others in the arts fields.

On this webinar you will learn to:

  • How to take what was effective in 2017 and ramp it up for 2018
  • The missing ingredient to fuel your business growth
  • Why your goal setting in the past has failed and what to do about it

Webinar: Thursday, December 14th, 3pm Eastern

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